The Spots Remain The Same

The M has been gone 3 1/2 weeks. We video chat often and email and voicemail and regular phone talk. Sometimes, it's too much! "Do we talk to each other this much when you're home?" I asked him. He doubts it. Also, video chat at the end of a nondescript day seems to underline my somewhat nondescript life. "I'm feeling boring," I say, after the usual hellos, how are yous and catching up. "Do we look at each other this much when you're home?" I turn my face to the side, because that's likely what he sees more. I close my eyes and pretend I'm asleep because that's up there too.

Well, of course we do have engaging and deep conversations, plus a lot of laughing, and looking at each other. We also have a strong comfort of physically being together which Apple has yet to be able to achieve in an application. Just wait, there will be some skin application or something. Ewwwww...

So, dog care falls all to me. Four or five or six times a day I'm taking those guys out for walks that vary from the quickie-5 to the long-45 minutes. They are sweet and also puzzling. Why is it that they will "see" something on tv that catches their eye and ears go up, heads cock cutely, and attention is paid, but when M. is on the video chat saying, "Hey boys, it's Daddy" they look everywhere but? It's a mystery!

We amuse ourselves. I've read a lot and caught up on movies that M would be less interested in. Also, tv watching. Then yesterday as I innocently was moving the tv stand thing, the cable box and dvd player fell onto the concrete floor. I expected a smash up and electric innards everywhere, but no. The dvd player seems to be working but the cable box is a done deal. That's just the kind of to-be-done item that will take me a week to get to. So, no tv, which is no loss, as we all know.

More books, and dvd watching on the computer. Nice and cozy which will do well for "The Leopard" or "Il Gattopardo" with Burt Lancaster (!) playing a Sicilian prince whose aristocracy is dying, as is he.

As Tancredi Falconer says, If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change. "

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